Irresistibly cute ideas for baby shower decorations and favors


Do you want to plan a cute and memorable shower for an expectant mother? These ideas for fun baby shower decorations and gifts will get you started. Decorating doesn't have to be expensive or exhausting to be cute and effective. Most of the items needed for a successful shower are affordable and easy to find and can end up being useful gifts for the expectant mother that will come in handy after the birth of her child.

Coming soon with a shower decor theme

The first step in creating cute and unique items and gifts is creating a theme for your party. This is usually the hardest step in planning a shower, but having a theme is essential if you want the whole party to look classy and not like it came together at the last minute. Bath Bomb Boxes Wholesale

The easiest way to decide on a party theme is to figure out what theme the mother plans to use to decorate the nursery and stick with it. For example, if a mother-to-be is decorating the nursery with an angel theme, she can gift small angel dolls as gifts for guests and decorate the walls with paper cutouts of angels.

Ideas for baby shower decorations

While it's best to stick with your central theme, there are some DIY decorating ideas that are universal and can be used no matter what theme you decide to go with. Items that can serve as decorations and gifts for the expectant mother include baby bathtubs, diapers, bottles, booties, baby clothes, pacifiers, and bottles.

If you want to use a baby bathtub in the shower, fill it with punch and let a rubber ducky float on top or fill it with useful gift items like baby shampoo, soap, and lotion. To decorate the ceiling or walls, hang baby clothes and booties on a clothesline. Diaper cakes work great as a decorative centerpiece and gift. Bottles with cut-off nipples and straws through them can be used to serve drinks, while pacifiers can be used as napkin holders.

Food and gifts for your shower

When exploring food ideas for your shower, consider sticking to your central theme. For example, if you are using a ladybug theme, make ladybug cookies or a ladybug cake to go with the decorations. If pacifiers are part of your decorative theme, make small pacifiers out of two wintergreen life jackets and a jelly bean. Stick the candies together with vanilla frosting and you have little sweet lollipops that can be used both as garnishes and as snacks.

If you are decorating your shower with pastel decorations, use food coloring to make a crunchy green, blue, yellow or pastel pink rice snack as color coordinated snacks. Use pacifier, trolley, and rattle cookie cutters to make cute cookies as treats to serve in the shower. These cookies can also be placed in colored cellophane bags and used as gifts for baby shower guests. Some other baby shower gift ideas include bath bombs, flowers, candles, small potted plants, and baby booties filled with candy and tied with ribbons. Use tissue paper, cellophane, small boxes, and envelopes to elegantly package favors. Wholesale Custom Boxes

Now that you're armed with these shower ideas, start brainstorming themes, decorations, food, and gifts so you can plan a special, personalized event for yourself or a loved one. Planning a shower can be a very fun experience and your imagination is your only limit to new and interesting ideas. Use these baby shower decorating ideas and favor them to help you get started. With the right amount of preparation, creativity, and planning, you are sure to have a fun, stylish, and memorable shower for the expectant mom and guests.


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